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How Pinterest Can Make Home Buying and Selling Easier (And More Fun!)













If you’ve ever wondered where to start when buying or selling a home, smart people will tell you that Step 1 is to find a great REALTOR®. While this is absolutely true, there is a lot you can do for yourself to make your home buying and selling experience go smoothly. If you haven’t heard of Pinterest, you may not know what it is used for, or how you can use it to work for you.

Pinterest is a site that allows you to “pin” interesting online places that you’d like to revisit later. It is a place where you can follow community members, see what they have pinned, and share pins of your own.

But how can this help you buy or sell a home? Well, Pinterest is a cornucopia of Real Estate advice, tips, and answers to questions you may have about the process. For example, you can find everything from “How To Get Your Home Show Ready” to “Steps To Getting a VA Loan”. Some REALTORs® even post their listings on Pinterest.

To see an example of a Pinterest Page in action, visit Action Team Realty’s Pinterest page here:

Once you’ve seen how great it is, you can sign up for your own account, and start pinning what’s relevant to you! You can also share with your family and friends, and create pin boards for all your interests.

Happy pinning!

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